Troop 434
Traveling to Forestburg Scout Reservation nowadays is an easy trip with the major road improvements. Travel time varies according to the selected route. Travel time is from 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Take the Parkway north to Interstate 287 north. Take 287 north until you see exit sign for Routes 202/206. Leave 287 at this exit and follow 206 north. In Montague, NJ, just after the Montague Elementary School, make right onto Sussex 653 north. At Route 23 make left and follow Route 6 west. Stay on Route 97/42 north till you see a sign saying Monticello Route 42. Bear right, take Route 42 and 10 miles from this sign is the main entrance to Forestburg Scout Reservation.
Take the Parkway north to exit 145 for Interstate 280 west. Take I-280 to Interstate 80. Interstate 80 to NJ 15. NJ 15 to NJ 206 north. In Montague, NJ, just after Montague Elementary School, make right onto Sussex 653 north. At Route 23 make left and follow Route 6 west. Stay on Route 97/42 north till you see a sign saying Monticello Route 42. Bear right, take Route 42 and 10 miles from this sign is the main entrance to Forestburg Scout Reservation.
Take the Parkway north to exit 153 B. Take Route 46 to Route 23 north to Port Jervis, NY. In Port Jervis take Route 6 until you come to junction for Routes 97/42. Follow Routes 97/42 until you reach junction where you will see sign reading Monticello, Route 42. Take Route 42, it is 10 miles from this sign to the main entrance to Forestburg Scout Reservation. PLEASE NOTE: This route is often heavy with traffic and takes you across High Point, New Jersey.
Take the Parkway north to the New York Thruway. Take the New York Thruway to the Harriman exit. From the Harriman exit take Route 17 to Monticello, NY. From Monticello, NY take Route 42 south. It is 10 miles from Monticello to the main entrance to Forestburg Scout Reservation. When you see the Forestburg blinker light it is 2 miles to camp.