Troop 434
Standard Operating Procedures and Policies
Troop 434 is sponsored (chartered) by American Legion
Post 434 which furnishes
the Troop a meeting place and storage facilities. The entire
Scouting program is carried out by the Scoutmasters under the
direct supervision of the Troop Committee as prescribed by the
National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scouts of America American Legion Post 434 Englishtown, NJ |
On my honor |
A Scout is: |
"Be Prepared"
"Do A Good Turn
As an American, I will do my
best to -- |
The suggested equipment that is
needed for each
Scout and Scouter is listed in the B.S.A.
Senior Patrol Leader | Elected |
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader | Appointed |
Patrol Leader | Elected |
Troop Guide | Appointed |
Quartermaster | Appointed |
Scribe | Appointed |
Chaplain | Appointed |
Librarian | Appointed |
Historian | Appointed |
Bugler | Appointed |
Jr. Asst. Scoutmaster | Appointed |
Den Chief | Appointed |
Instructor | Appointed |
The review is not an examination. The Scout has learned and has been examined prior to the review. The Scout reviews what he did for the rank. From this review, it can be determined whether he did what he was supposed to do. One regularly scheduled Board of Review will be held on the last Monday of every month at 8:00 p.m., during the weekly meeting. If others are needed, they should be scheduled with the Troop Advancement Chairperson 1 week in advance. Boards of Review are conducted by members of the Troop Committee. It is expected that each Scout appearing before a Board of Review for advancement will present himself in as complete, proper class "A" uniform with proper insignia and current badges of rank and office permanently and neatly affixed to the uniform. Scouts not wearing a uniform as described above will not be reviewed and will forfeit their opportunity for advancement until the next scheduled Board of Review. An Eagle Board of Review is conducted by the Troop Committee with the Battleground District Eagle Board Chairman and/or his designee in attendance. Note: A Board of Review may also be called for by the Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member, Adult Scout Leader or Patrol Leaders Council for reasons of nonadvancement, poor performance, or specific cause, etc. |
To become a member, a youth must be a registered Boy Scout and hold the rank of minimum First Class. The youth must have experienced a minimum of 15 days and nights camping (including a 6 day/night resident camp). Scouts are elected by their fellow Scouts, following approval by the Scoutmaster. Adult Scouters can become members
and must meet the same requirements as above, with the
exception that an adult is nominated by the unit and
voted on by the executive committee of the Lodge. The
Scoutmaster will nominated the adult after consultation
with other adult OA members. The Scoutmaster will be
contacted by the Chapter Vice-Chief of elections for the
need of a unit OA election. |
A. Each Family Unit is expected to assist
in the Troop program in one or more areas by:
The PLC, not the adult leaders, is
responsible for planning and conducting the Troop activities. The
PLC is composed of the following voting members: Senior Patrol
Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leaders, Troop
Guide, and Venture Crew Chief. The Troop's activities are
selected and planned at the annual program planning conference.
The Troop's yearly plan is then submitted to the Troop Committee
for approval. The Troop Committee either approves the plan or
makes alternative suggestions for the PLC to consider. At this
monthly meeting, the PLC organizes and assigns activity
responsibility for the weekly Troop Meetings. The Troop Committee
interacts with the PLC through the Scoutmaster. Troop Committee
Members, Assistant Scoutmaster and other Scouts in the Troop may
be invited to the PLC meeting to assist in planning certain
activities. The Scoutmaster or his designee attends the meeting
to advise the PLC. The Troop is actually run by its boy leaders.
With the guidance of the Scoutmaster and his assistants, they
plan the program, conduct the meetings and provide leadership
among their peers. Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)Top elected junior leader of the troop. He
leads the PLC and in consultation with the Scoutmaster appoints
other junior leaders and assigns specific responsibilities as
needed. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)Fills in for the Senior Patrol Leader in
his absence. He is responsible for training and giving direction
to the Quartermaster, Scribe, Troop Historian, Librarian, and
Instructors. HistorianCollects and maintains troop memorabilia
and information on former Troop members. LibrarianKeeps troop record books, pamphlets,
magazines, audiovisuals, and Merit Badge counselor list available
for use by troop members. InstructorTeaches one or more advancement skill
requirements. Chaplain AideAssist in Troop religious services and
promotes religious emblems programs. Patrol Leader (PL)Gives leadership to members of his patrol
and represents them on the PLC. Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)Fills in for the PL in his absence. Venture Crew ChiefLeader of the Venture Crew. Troop GuideAdvisor and guide to new Scout Patrol Den ChiefWorks with a Cub Scout or Webelos den as a
guide. QuartermasterResponsible for Troop equipment and
supplies. Keeps record of Patrol and Troop equipment and keeps it
in good repair. He is responsible for checking out equipment and
sees to it that it is returned in good order. He will make
recommendations to the SPL as to the needs of new equipment. The
3rd Assistant Scoutmaster will act as advisor and will see to it
that proper equipment and inventory logs are kept. ScribeThe Troop secretary. Keeps a log of all
Patrol Leaders Council decisions and maintains Troop advancement
and dues records. He will also report to the PLC on any
delinquent dues owed the Troop and maintain a weekly attendance
and uniform log. The Troop Committee Advancement Chairman and
Treasurer will serve as advisors. |